“Les Legumes” are paper collages that illustrate 16 kinds of vegetables that could be found in France. There is a big market in France called “Les Halles” where local people come and buy their fruits and vegetables. The vegetables they sell are very fresh and cheap. When I visited the market, I realized that there were many unique vegetables that I wouldn’t find back in Japan, so I thought that it would be interesting to get to know the vegetables through simple images of a collage.
「Les Legumes」はフランスの16種類の野菜をコラージュにした本である。フランスでは、週に3回「Les Halles」という庶民がよく行かれる大きな市場がある。売っている野菜は新鮮で安く、日本にはない野菜の種類も多いので、珍しい野菜をコラージュにすると面白いと思ってコラージュx野菜を挑戦してみた。